If you know me well,then you would know that to see me awake at 8am on a Saturday morning is as big as a rarity as seeing a shooting star.Doesnt happen often,maybe wont for a long time more.
Anyways,I was up early today for some wonderful kayaking experience together with my homemates,Baj and Madhav.As usual,eating was the first agenda.Breakfast was nasi lemak,quite delicous except for the kacang,which I think wasnt properly cooked.Next we divided into group(damn this is turning more into a field report like the ones we did for SPM..hahaha).
Long story cut short,we kayaked(can I use that?) around the lake.Was some sort of a treasure hunt thingy,but who bothers?Hahaha,I was most interested in jumping into the Kayak and padling away,squashing filthy lake water all over for the sole purpose of gliding smoothly,slickly on the lake surface.Felt smackingggggggggggggggggg aweessomeeeeeeeeeee.........!!Especially when ur hands get tired and u are in the middle of the lake...thats the best part,dont give a damn.Just sit back,rest the paddle on your Kayak and feast your eyes with the scenery.Fantastic feeling.The one complain I had was Amanda(my kayak partner),who was sitting behind me in the Kayak.She was keep getting pissed with me coz I always mixed my lefts with my rights.She would yell RIGHT!!-and me smashing my paddle on the left and vice versa.She got so freaking pissed that in the end she told me off that my coordination sucks.Hahaha,who cares?Lol...i was too much in esctasy and still very much in cloud nine over the water splashing,getting wet and dirty while moving swiftly on a watery surface to be bothered.And too happy to give two shits about the treasure hunt thingy too.Lol.Anyways,we didnt find the treasure but it was well compensated with briyani for lunch after that.Thats too much to offer for one morning.
God please divide my happiness into equal proportions before serving next time.By the way,I just took my bath and now Im heading back to somewhere I belong,MY PRECIOUS BED!-and doing what I do best,SLEEPING!
Dec 13, 2008
Dec 12, 2008
So long....

So long has the airs of heaven,breathe as heavily
time thats beyond,is not as forgiving,
so long as thy craves,as long time has faded,
so long has hatred being evoked,
rose dumped in exile,price of a true word seen cheap,
And often is thy thirst,
thirst,and upon where thy shall not consume,
a drop of rose bud,gazes at eternity,
shall thy find it,where?
In thy beholds this glowing fire,
of thirst is burning,
quenching is all,of which time is frozen,
as before sun glows in the early-east,
as after sun fades in the far-west,
so far man can see,further is its rose,
in realm of souls,once it wasnt,
departed since time of beyond,
return it shall.
For as long as man is bounded by trust and hope,
longer will thy consume its pain,
which makes thy love more strong,
To love,
-mankinds greatest gift-
In GOD I trust.
Dec 11, 2008
Home alone...
Hmm...well everyone's out to MOS,leaving me alone at home...its more of I opted not to go then they left me.Im sensing a more home-loving me is developing,something which I discovered recently.Its weird because before this I would never miss a chance for an outing,now its much more settled.
I was just thinking how we change without realising and how life turns out to be the greatest teacher of all.There is no-one or no-thing which will kick u up the backside and teach u like life does.Often labelled a bitch,its a bit unfair because at the end of the day,all well ends well and u do go trough all the rough patches and turn to be a better person.Those who still try to defy life after being kicked are those who are and will remain lost.As for me,Ive got a really hard kick recently and it really changed the way I live my life,for now...its all about seeing over things and making sure I make something out of myself first before I can dance to a tune again.
I was just thinking how we change without realising and how life turns out to be the greatest teacher of all.There is no-one or no-thing which will kick u up the backside and teach u like life does.Often labelled a bitch,its a bit unfair because at the end of the day,all well ends well and u do go trough all the rough patches and turn to be a better person.Those who still try to defy life after being kicked are those who are and will remain lost.As for me,Ive got a really hard kick recently and it really changed the way I live my life,for now...its all about seeing over things and making sure I make something out of myself first before I can dance to a tune again.
Dec 10, 2008
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday to you Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Al-Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Al-Haj!
We all shall wait and see who gets lucky in the "free Dato lucky draws" introduced by the Malaccan Governor recently, which I have to admitt is a brilliant idea to attract unwanted critisim and spits from the citizens.Bravo!
p/s: Btw, try my latest poll on the right hand side of your screen.Lets see who gets lucky!!
We all shall wait and see who gets lucky in the "free Dato lucky draws" introduced by the Malaccan Governor recently, which I have to admitt is a brilliant idea to attract unwanted critisim and spits from the citizens.Bravo!
p/s: Btw, try my latest poll on the right hand side of your screen.Lets see who gets lucky!!
Nov 11, 2008
We are our own enemies...
Song:Final Straw-R.E.M(just a masterpiece,the guitarist is a diff class!)
Here's a video about the destruction war causes to humans all around the world.Just something to ponder around on what the word peace really means??
Lets demand for PEACE!
Say NO to WAR!
Khalistani Shergill
Nov 8, 2008
Die Bitch Die!!!
To Whom it May Concern(a bitch)!
For every pain Im going trough now,
for every pulse of hurt in me right now,
for every tears dropped for u,
for all the backstabbing u did,
for all the hurt u have,
I wish u the same,I wish some day u fuckin die in this pain which Iam feeling now and curse yourself for ever giving it to me,I wish you will fucking rot in hell u bitch for being a bitch and acting like a bitch behind me and cheating me u bitch.I wish u suffer all the pain I will inflict on others because of you,because of you I lost trust in love n relationship and I will hurt others.This pain others having will fall on your heart and swear to God,u will suffer and suffer till the extent death will be a easy way out.Fuckin die bitch,die!
For every pain Im going trough now,
for every pulse of hurt in me right now,
for every tears dropped for u,
for all the backstabbing u did,
for all the hurt u have,
I wish u the same,I wish some day u fuckin die in this pain which Iam feeling now and curse yourself for ever giving it to me,I wish you will fucking rot in hell u bitch for being a bitch and acting like a bitch behind me and cheating me u bitch.I wish u suffer all the pain I will inflict on others because of you,because of you I lost trust in love n relationship and I will hurt others.This pain others having will fall on your heart and swear to God,u will suffer and suffer till the extent death will be a easy way out.Fuckin die bitch,die!
Nov 5, 2008
Life seems to be very meaningless especially when u dont have a aim.I had an aim-had.Now it seems meaningless and its more like a zombie la,get up when u feel like getting up,exams?who cares?Its just so shitty man,fed up of life already,today this tommorow that.Everybody running around in circles,like a dog running aroung chasing his own tail.Damn Im bored!
Till I find a reason to live life again,Im gonna take life as a duty I need to fullfill...cmon man,breath in...out,in out,in out........and the beat goes on and on..
Till I find a reason to live life again,Im gonna take life as a duty I need to fullfill...cmon man,breath in...out,in out,in out........and the beat goes on and on..
Nov 1, 2008

A high-profile cendol seller was Friday cleared of involvement in the murder of a Mongolian wasp bee, in a case linked to top government figures that has gripped Malaysia.
Mamak Razak Baginda, a close associate of DPM Najis Rosak, was accused of abetting the 2006 slaying of his former pet , whose body was blown up with fire crackers explosives behind a bush.
In one of the longest hearings in Malaysia's history, a court spent 151 days considering whether there was a case against Mamak Razak.
"I find there is no prima facie case for him to answer his charge. He is therefore acquitted and discharged," said Judge Mohamad "I am not Bias" . He had faced the death penalty by hanging if found guilty.
Mamak Razak, 48, hugged his wife and daughter from the dock while his elderly parents sat crying in the court.
"I just want to go home back and continue killing bees," he said as he was escorted out through a huge media scrum.
And with this,the Malaysian Goverment has restored out trust in the judiciary system.
So everyone,lets all grab some crackers shove it into somebodys butt we dun care and blow them.....worry not.In this country,they will elect a new judge to make sure ur freed.
Now tell me,are we betul-betul boleh or not??
tanah tumpahnya darah altantuya...
Oct 28, 2008
Its a spider,its a pig no its........
Life takes u in a spin which is so fast, that when you think of someone, you tend to think the bad done and not all those good deeds which went unblessed. Well for the first time in,erm..maybe history, I am going to create a document of appreciation to one of my dearest friend.
A guy who has spend his entire life being an object of fun and has been called so many various names,shrek, spider pig etc- that I lost track of and of which some I may have created. A guy whose desire to become a pilot has been the butt of all jokes created in the last few years. A guy who I have always admired for the level of tolerance he has for all the things we have done on him. A guy who really knows the phrase, once a friend always a friend. A true friend indeed.
Yes guys, it is and he is the legendary fat bloke from PJ who never gave up his dreams of becoming a pilot even though he has gone trough lots of s*it in his studies for his dreams. Some say he is not a human, some say he is not even an animal, but today I am going further to say he is an entity.
The very own name which was made into a movie by bollywood heartthrob Hrithik Roshan few years back, ladies and gentleman giving you all, the one and only…………………………………
Krish or better known as……erm,lets just call him Krish. For all he has been, for all the years of friendships,money powing,credit using and harassing Ive gone trough with him, he still sticks to me like a best buddy when he knows he doesn’t need to anymore. Deep down in me, I really have admiration for his goodwill, he is a true friend.Someone who was with me when others ran in pure hypocrite style, some say he had no body too and thus, he was for me.I say pure bulls*it.The days he has stood by me, supporting both emotionally and financially,haha…are the days I believe true friends do exist.I have unlimited memories of laughing along side him as much as at him,which at times makes me look down at myself. Some of this memories will haunt me for the rest of my life and some would need me to answer the b*tch karma.
All I can say now is, regret never comes in time (pure indian timing) and it’s a bit too late to undo what I have done to him but hope this post of appreciation does make him feel better, if not enlightened.
He has all the spirits to become a pilot and mind you,he has all the necessary,or shall I say more than necessary knowledge about piloting than most pilots out there do and this is not a cliché to make him sound good.(im not a part of the government governed Malaysian press).Amid the jokes and legendary stories of him both in MC n UNITEN which might have troubled him and made life uneasy, he is one man I always knew destined for the skies. Some one, whose thinking and social life might not be as fancy as the rest of us, but some one whose good will and conscious has been high above us at all times.
In final words to my dearest sincerest friend Krish, I would like to give you you the highest salute one could give,of friendships! And laud THANK YOU for all you have been for me!!
Thank you Krish!
Sincerest-doesn’t get better than this,
Khalistani SherGill
p/s:and they said I made a blog to critize everything and everyone…..pfffffttt
Oct 22, 2008
Welcome my treasured readers to Fulemakkk.
Fulemakkk as the name would suggest is a blog created to amaze you with stories,happenings and also truth around matters which would make u say.....fulemakk.
Anything goes down here,all the post created would be for the pure purpose of having fun and keeping those readers entertained.I dont have any other purpose.
There would be posts critizing almost everything around me(Im a Malaysian,its a Malaysian in thing) and also at times giving credit where its due.Poems-yes guys I have emotions too,loads on football and on other happenings.All comments would be wellcomed including the ones which I dont neccesarily appreciate because its the true feedback that matters.Please dont be lazy,do leave a comment on each post and try out some of the gadgets such as the poll,I promise there would be some very interesting and intriquing polls coming up.
I hereby take the oath as the new version of RPK who doesnt enter into jail for stupid reasons and even if I do,Ill make sure I wrote something nasty.lol.
~Khalistan-an a dream lives on~
Fulemakkk as the name would suggest is a blog created to amaze you with stories,happenings and also truth around matters which would make u say.....fulemakk.
Anything goes down here,all the post created would be for the pure purpose of having fun and keeping those readers entertained.I dont have any other purpose.
There would be posts critizing almost everything around me(Im a Malaysian,its a Malaysian in thing) and also at times giving credit where its due.Poems-yes guys I have emotions too,loads on football and on other happenings.All comments would be wellcomed including the ones which I dont neccesarily appreciate because its the true feedback that matters.Please dont be lazy,do leave a comment on each post and try out some of the gadgets such as the poll,I promise there would be some very interesting and intriquing polls coming up.
I hereby take the oath as the new version of RPK who doesnt enter into jail for stupid reasons and even if I do,Ill make sure I wrote something nasty.lol.
~Khalistan-an a dream lives on~
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