Jun 30, 2011

Knowing helps Deciding

Bersih is back again and this time the Bersih rally,aptly named Bersih 2.0 is targeting the Election Commision to be fairer during the next elections.It will generate awareness among Malaysians who till the last elections have their minds closed and not aware of the power they hold.

This might be a gimmick by the Opposition to generate more support but however if one sees it from the point-of-view of the social impact it might have on the general public, there is much to be taken from these rallies.As Malaysians have a very poor ratio in civic mindness to power awareness, this rallies and access to more information would give them a choice.A choice which can be translated into making better decisions for their own benefit.For generations, Malaysians have been led to think that by voting to the ruling party, things will remain the same, trying not to risk the way things are now.However, they are forgetting a very important thing here, the basic fundamentals of the power a vote holds.

A vote gives a citizen the right to demand for what they want their elected representative in the Parliament or Wakil Rakyat and in the given their given tenure of 4/5 years, watching whether it has been fulfilled.If its not, they should cross their votes for the individuals or party that promises them their demands, let it be peace,better infrastructure or anything else.In this land of tidak apa attitude, the MP's are given too much respect that they dont neccessarily warrant, without knowing where they stand in balance of power.Right here is where the battle is lost.Malaysians have to wake up to realize that.

NO 1- Go through the manifesto of the contesting candidates in your parliamentary area.
NO 2-Meet them in person, (everybody is extra nice during election time), speak to them and access their honesty and what you think of them.
NO3- Have more access over information regarding the political issues and issues currently affecting your neighbourhood to know what is needed from the to-be-elected MP.
NO4-Vote for who you think will do the best representation of you,your neighbourhood in the Parliament.

instead of,

NO 1-Crossing the Dice party member just because he or she comes from a more powerful background/has a Dato infront of their name or just because you are too afraid of change.Change is not necessarily bad.

****Most important is to exercise your power to vote as a citizen of this country.****

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