Oct 18, 2011

The incredible story

How many of you can run 42 kilometres in a marathon? 

now imagine a 100 year old man...

and imagine how would he do if you asked him to run 42 kilometres?

if you laughed or thought silly, you just laughed and thought silly of yourself 


Fauja Singh is a 100 year old Indian born , who now holds the world record for the oldest man to have completed a marathon.

Apart from that, Fauja Singh, who is a vegetarian, holds UK records for the 200 m, 400 m, 800 m, 1000 m, 3000 m for his age group, records all set within a single 94 minute period.

and yeahh,one last thing....back in 2004, Fauja Singh appeared in an Adidas advertisement campaign alongside David Beckham and Muhammad Ali !!

feeling shy? 
So am I !

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