Jan 8, 2013

Calmest of resolutions.

New year brings new hope for new beginnings,another go at life.It's almost like re-starting a video game.

Unless previous years where I have not really given a go at keeping resolutions (always thought resolutions were more of a cliche and less a real thing),this year I have the deepest sense of homecoming to a new fresh life that I have to be re-born,moving past mistakes and overcoming the devil's whisper that often accompanies me in times of frustration.The feeling of being hard done,being treated wrong or just plain old rush of the moment is normal,but reacting to it,is defintely not.In the past,that has happened way too many times,and it was always easy to say it's because of the influence while growing up.While that might be true,its time to stop thinking of that and to find a way.

This coming year,from the deepest pit of my heart,I yearn to be a more calmer,more patient man,one that accepts things more the way it is,rather than reacting to it.To be more in peace with my surroundings and people,even if the surroundings is chaotic and the people are being a pain.Just keep calm Vishpal.No.matter.what.

It's been a day 3 of my resolution,and truth be told,its really really difficult.But so far,I have done well.Just 362 more days to go.They say Rome was not built in a day,same goes in overcoming our weaknesses,but we have to start somehow.I have a great family,trustable awesome friends and a beautiful,loving girl,with their trust and motivation,my resolution is going to be fulfilled.Adamant about that.
.And in 2013,Vishpal Singh is going to Keep Calm And Carry On.

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