Jan 28, 2013

What is happiness?

Ever heard of the phrase you can't find what you want to find unless you know what you're finding?

The purpose of life or the pursuit of happiness is that feeling of fulfillment when one feels accomplished of their desire.Take having something to eat for example.Its simple enough to  know you will accomplish what you want by having food.

Thats the easy part, knowing that you have to pursue the happiness.

The difficult part is what is happiness? It varies from person to person,blessed are those who's idea of happiness is simpler to achieve than those who have achieved most aspires the highest peak in the world,and is still unhappy.

Bottom line, life is like a fucking cycle.Sometimes up,sometimes down,and it goes on and on forever, till the wheel stops turning.If you dont know what makes you happy, the turns will always seem the same and life would seem like one long endless cycle of repetitive chores.

Being happy is equals to living life.Yes.Life isn't worth living if you're not happy,a second spent not being a happy is a second wasted (insert more cliche phrases about happiness and life here) but the bottom line is Quit the cycle of life, the cycle of waking up-do what you have to do in life-go to bed.Quit that.ENOUGH ALREADY!

Life has more than that.If you can't do the big things that make you happy, do the small things that makes you smile.We all know what those small things are and if you still can't figure it out, think back of what made you happy when you were 5,chances are you would have out grown them,but the real truth is that there is a lil kid in all of  us, and no matter how much you grow,there is some part of you that still holds on to some of the little things that makes you happy.

For me,is looking at ants walk up the wall.For some weird reason,it makes me happy to track them down,to where there are travelling,what they are up too.Really made me a happy kid,today I might earn enough $ to buy an ant farm and all but things just ain't the same.Go! Go do what makes you happy, even for a split second,life would seem all the worth living coz nothing else matters.

If you will excuse me now,I have some ants to attend to!

:-) Have a nice day!

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