Oct 30, 2012

Back to here

So its back to working at the primary office, which means 8 to 5 in a zombie like quiet but deadly environment where the only salvation for an ounce of life would be the short trip to the pantry to make coffee.No Im not complaining about work,I always believed that nothing comes for free in life, a philosophy thought to me by our very own Sami vellu.Once,when asked about the constant rising of toll prices by reporters,he  said "Ini dunia apa pun tada percuma,ama kasi lahir juga percuma".Wise words indeed.

Anyways,back to my story, yeah,Im not complaining about work,I believe in putting in your best,and thinking on how to put your best so that it benefits your company and you.Its the office environment which is straining to my head, a quiet environment where everybody seems to be hard at work,sitting at their desks,dwindling with their pens,thinking of what best to do after work today.yup,most employees cant be forced.A work environment like this is not healthy.This situation explains why most Japanese companies make you sing and dance to a Japanese exercise song in the morning,no matter how weird that might look.It is healthy.

I think the short trip to the pantry to make coffee will not be able to give my head a break from the work.Its not that I dont want to work,its just that I dont want to work continously without a break for 4hours.I dont operate at optimum level at this conditions but what the heck,neither is my father the director or Im striking the 4D any time soon.So I guess I dont really have a choice, will just have to suck it up,adjust and adopt to this new environment and keep on working hard.Gambate!!

Adios my amigos,I will return to talk more cock if I get stressed.Have a dreat gay everybody.

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