Oct 28, 2012

The Malaysian Flag

Where have you seen the Malaysian flag last?

Infact, how often do you see a Malaysian flag or any sort of symbols depicting the 'Jalur Gemilang'?
If you say offices,schools or any other offices,I find that flag rising hardly to be attributed to individuals who want to fly them or merely have to raise them due to circumstances.I am a Malaysian, who have lived in Malaysia for 24 years before moving abroad to work in Qatar for the last 10 months, forget Malaysia for a moment. I live with quite a number of Malaysians and I would say Doha has a sizeable amount of Malaysians, enough to have our very own Malaysian restaurant, 'Sri Kebaya'.

Enough to suggest that being far away and constantly missing our motherland, we would fly the flag as a symbol of pride.But seriously, nobody does.Nobody.None.Zip,Zilch,Null.Zero.As in I have not seen a single Malaysian flag except that time we went to the Moto GP and some guys brought the flag in support of our Malaysian rider.Other than that,not a single flag. And I cant simply figure out why.Earlier, I saw a Thailand flag flying proud at my work site, and to think there are only a handful of Thai nationals here,it is quite a shameful reminder to the kind of Malaysians we might be.

Back to Malaysia, I would not ask how often we fly the Malaysian flag and most answers would come back, we do mahh,u never see ahh, merdeka day time lohh....on top my house antena got, on my car hood oso got, that time malaysia play football against Indonesia aso i got carry to Bukit Jalil..

Is that once a year,hype of flying the Jalur Gemilang coz its fancy and posting on facebook about how awesome ur country is,and happy bday Malaysia enough? Its like every year, Malaysians go into August with a big sense of Malaysian pride,mainly fueled by Petronas sentimental adverts and repeat of Sudirman's Tanggal 31 song. 

And what happens next?
What happens on the 1st of September?

On the 1st of every year, every Malaysian stops being Malaysian till the next August coz Cuti Merdeka sudah habis lah,esok kene balik kerje kind of attitude happens.Where is the sense of nationalism in us? Where is the pride and love for our country? Hasnt singing or in some cases, lip snycing the Negeraku every Monday's morning assembly at school done nothing to instill national pride in the minds and hearts of young Malaysians.

It is indeed very shameful to admit and accept the truth that unlike the Germans who pride their flag at every job site, location they work or live, we Malaysians don't even do it in our own Tanah tumpahku.

Before I can point fingers to others, I accept that I have not been loyal and flying the flag but to fix things, I just printed the Malaysian flag, I am going to stick it at the back of my safety helmet and to my beloved mother land, Malaysia.Here's some respect for you!

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