Oct 4, 2012


And I am back.

Its been months since I left blogging, work and personal life had kept me occupied.A lot has happened in the past 5 months and a lot has changed too, working life has sub-consciously crept into my head and got me thinking about the more serious things in life.In all, what has happened has made a more serious man out of me and drawn out a mentally tougher character.Has been a roller coaster ride.

I finally took a vacation back in June and went to Europe for a trip, or was it heaven, can't decide.Nearly got a tattoo but didn't instead got a lip piercing.And had a heck of a good time.Ill upload the photos and write about my travels later on.

In terms of family and friends,I've been blessed by the Gods with the best a man can have and recently went back home to Malaysia for holidays and had the time of my life.Got back to Qatar on the 1st of September,without any sign of my luggage, respectfully lost by the incompetent staff of Biman Bangladesh (more on them to come) and its all work work work since then.

Celebrated my 25th birthday in the desert,with nothing much but another working day but that didn't stop people back home,mom dad brothers sisters friends love from showing their love.The day wasn't really any different till they made the difference.

On a non me-related matter,the English and European league started back in July and thank the Gods for creating the beautiful game, keeps me occupied most of my time here.United has started out slow,defensively incapable in an other wise perfect squad.More to write about football as well.

I guess that is all the updates for now.Thanks for reading and I'l be back with more stuff,articles and pictures., meanwhile here's a pic of a potato for you.

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