Apr 9, 2012

Oh wait...what?

Before the Petronas Twin Towers were the worlds tallest building and before the Malaysian F1 Grand Prix held the record for most half way stopped race because of rain, many people outside of Malaysia didn’t even know we existed let alone where Malaysia is on the world map.We Malaysians feel termendous amount of pride at just knowing that the outside world acknowledges us.right?

We were like "Oh Mr.White guy,have a look at us! We are that penis shaped country near Singapore!"
Oh let me guide you while you are visiting my country so that when you go back,you would remember how wonderful Malaysians are.
Anyways,times have changed and today, we are much better off…those days of having to explain "what is Malaysia?" are long behind us.Well there are still idiots(mostly Americans) who dont know,but it doesnt bother us as much anymore.
So to my story, the other day I was in the city and I had to take a taxi to get somewhere else in Doha and I was talking to the taxi driver, he was an african man,probably in his 50's...and I asked him,where are you from? He answered me Africa, and I smiled at him and asked, "where in Africa?" coz I thought my geography is good and I would definitely know his country.Gabon,Tunisia,Algeria,Zambia,Togo,Angola,Bostwana...you name it,i know it..

So he asked me back "Do you know all the countries in Africa?" and I answered "yeah"

And then he came up with this most weird exotic named country "Eritrea" and he smiled back asking "You know?".

I swear for a moment I felt like I was being trolled.

Embarassedly I admitted I didnt know.And in my head I was like,Fuck,he must be feeling like how we Malaysians have felt all along.I apologized for not knowing and asked him a bit more about his country.It seems Eritrea is this small state country near the north east of the African continent.Its located in the north east of Africa,in an area called the Horn of Africa.It is bordering,Sudan,Djibouti and Ethopia.The name of its capital is Asmara (haha...those who know Malay must be smiling) and it has a tiny population of only 6million people.

Here are some pics of people and places of Eritrea.

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