Apr 23, 2012

One plain hill side with only green grass.Nothing else in sight.

Imagine sitting there,nobody in sight.Knowing you are all alone.
You look up and see a clear bright sky,a bright future.Yet you choose to look down.

Tired of wandering around,you keep walking.
Suddenly a tree comes in sight.You approach it.

You take a rest in its shade.You lean over it.
All of a sudden,you dont feel lonely.
That tree seems like a good company.

You sit there every day when you are tired.
That good ol tree gives support,is ever present.
You dont ask for more.
Let the plains be plain,let there be nobody.

You enjoy the shade,lay down around it
and suddenly you feel at home

One day,you lose touch of everything.
You lose it
Sun strikes hot,wind suffocates
You find for your tree,nobody else can help
At least thats how you think
Just want to rest under the shade,nothing more

Tree is not there,appears to be there
when things hit rock bottom
when someone feels lonely
the least would do
the very least of listening would do alot

few will read this
fewer will understand
and im really not sure whether anyone will bother 


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