Apr 15, 2012

RMS Titanic-100 years

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of titanic...RMS Titanic was on its maiden voyage from Southampton,England to New York when it hit an iceberg at about 11.40pm,where six of the water tight compartments broke causing water to enter the ship....the rest as they say, is history and thanks to the movies (the old and the latest 3D one), we now know quite alot about the ship...well,actually not really.
All that Leonardo painting Kate Winslet nude didnt actually happen.Sorry to dissapoint.

Here is are some of the interesting facts...

1.Despite carrying 2223 people at the time of sinking,it only had enough life boats to save 1178 people.

2.Only 710 people survived.Women and childrens were given priority to be saved first.

3.However, most of the life boats weren't fully occupied went it left behind the sinking Titanic.More lives could have been saved if not for human arrogance and ignorance.

4.Despite that, J.Bruce Ismay, the chairman of White Star Line (the company that owned RMS Titanic) survived by getting into a lifeboat.Coward.

5.Captain Edward John Smith, who was the captain of the ship at that time,went down with his ship.Respect.

6.When the Titanic began sending out distress signals, the Californian, rather than the Carpathia, was the closest ship; yet the Californian did not respond until it was much too late to help. At 12:45 a.m. on April 15, 1912, crew members on the Californian saw mysterious lights in the sky (the distress flares sent up from the Titanic) and woke up their captain to tell him about it. Unfortunately, the captain issued no orders. 

7. Two dogs out of the 9 on board of RMS Titanic were saved.Dogs.Really?

8. Fifty lucky bastards cancelled their ticket for the voyage due to various reasons.

9.This one is creepy,an American writer, Morgan Robertson, wrote a book The Wreck of Titan which predicted exactly what happened to the Titanic 14 years later.
Here is a link to the book:

10.If placed upright, the Titanic would have been taller than any of the buildings of her time.It was nicknamed The Unsinkable,The Wonder Ship,The Last Word in Luxury by many newspapers that the first news of its sinking wasn't believed by many.

  RMS Titanic-100 years..

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