Dec 27, 2012

What is India going to do?

Speaking about the latest heinous act of the Delhi gang rape (Those who are unaware,read this : brings out many questions, not tough ones but simple questions which answers are tough.How can such a heinous act happen in a country boasting the world's largest democracy? What is India doing to stop such crimes and what in the world is wrong with India? Incredible India my ass, its filthy dirty,with pigs roaming the road and man pissing on walls.Uncivilized,backwards,frauds and just pure headache to deal with.But they will tell you India is the best country in the world.In a country where the people of the South hate the North and the individual states has more power than the Federal Goverment, causing states Chief Ministers to rule like they own the state, like gangsters.Link to Mafia,crime,bribery in the open.yada yada yada,I can go on forever.

Bottom line, is that I want my 2 Questions answered.

How is India planning to charge the 6 barbaric scums?

And what is the county going to do about the social ranking of women, their safety and well being for the future?

But it wouldn't suprise me totally if they all forget about the gang rape by the time Shah Rukh Khan's next movie hits the theater.Fucking morons.

, the last few lines seems a maybe outrageous but proper solution to end the suffering of the women of India 

One of the many candlelight vigils being held in India and around the world,thoughts and prayers for the brave girl who is fighting for her life at the moment.

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